Kid’s Dentist in Natick, MA Discusses Your Child’s Developing Teeth

May 18, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Papageorgiou Dental Associates @ 4:54 am

Children’s oral health is important. Your kid’s dentist in Natick, MA discusses your child’s developing teeth.As a parent, your child’s health is a top priority. You probably invested some time seeking out the right pediatrician, and the same should apply for their dental care. As soon as your child’s first teeth appear, you should begin to brush them. This not only helps keep their baby teeth clean and healthy, but also teaches them good oral hygiene habits early on. Your kid’s dentist in Natick, MA discusses some other important things you should know about your child’s developing teeth.

Primary Teeth

Every child is different, however most children’s first teeth begin arriving around the age of 6-8 months old, and typically starting with the lower central incisors. As primary, or baby teeth begin to arrive this is a good time to introduce solid foods to your child. You should also begin brushing with non-fluoride toothpaste that is safe for your child to swallow.

While baby teeth will eventually fall out, it’s still very important to take good care of them because baby teeth have many important jobs to do. These little teeth help your child learn speech patterns and navigate solid foods. They also save space and guide the permanent teeth into place.

Mixed Dentition

Around the age of 6 years old, your child will begin to lose their baby teeth. Permanent teeth will gradually make their way in, and for a period of approximately six years your child will have a mixed dentition, which means that they have both primary and permanent teeth in their mouth at the same time.

During this time you may want to discuss early orthodontics with your dental provider. It’s not necessary for every child, however some children may benefit from early intervention that could make their final orthodontic treatment easier down the road.

At Papageorgiou Dental Associates, our highly skilled doctors welcome children to the practice. We understand how very important those early visits are in order to set your child up for a lifetime of successful dental visits and optimum oral health. For this reason, we strive to make every visit to our office positive and upbeat for your child in the hopes that they will look forward to their future dental appointments.

Your child’s oral health is so important! We offer additional services for children such as fluoride treatments to help strengthen their teeth, and dental sealants, which help protect their teeth from tooth decay and cavities. Contact our office today to learn how we can help take care of your child.

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